Target shooting
We promote target shooting as a safe and enjoyable sport that hones many skills in young and old alike.
Club members participate in several postal competitions including the Somerset Leagues and the National Short Range Winter League. They also shoot in shoulder to shoulder competitions in the Bristol and District League. There are also internal club competitions that members participate in.
During the summer months, the club has access to a local 50m & 100yd outdoor range, where the long range postal leagues are shot. The range and others nearby also host several open shoots throughout the year.
Since October 1988 the club has held it's annual open competition for the Pelmore Trophy, named after a past president of the club.
We currently support the following types of competition
.22lr Prone
The bulk of our shooting and competitions is for .22 prone competitions at 25 yd on our range and 50m and 100yd at other locations. Outdoor shooting is done at the Long Ashton range.
22 Sporting rifle
‘Lightweight sporting rifle’ uses a .22 sporting rifle (usually a magazine-fed repeater), the shooter fires at the target from a prone position. Whilst it looks easy, it can be extremely challenging, as it is difficult to hold the rifle steady and centred on the target. There are classes for rifles with 'iron' sights or with optical (telescopic) sights.
This discipline requires extreme accuracy and is shot from a sitting position, with a precision rifle resting on a front stand located on a bench or table. On top of the rifle is a scope giving far higher magnification than traditional rifle sights - up to 45x. For some competitions the rear of the rifle rests on a sandbag; for others the rifle is placed into the shoulder. Because of this, it is a suitable discipline for many disabled members as they can compete on an equal basis to able-bodied shooters
"Ten Ten" competition
On a regular basis we hold a "Ten Ten" competition with Light Weight Sporting rifles.
Basic rules.
Four rounds/Cards 5 bull Targets . 2 shots per diagram. All shots counted . Those not shot -10. 50 rounds per evening
Shooting structure
This diagram outlines the structure of shooting in the UK. As a Club we regularly participate in competitions at County and from time to time National level.